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Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Earn #400 per Post You Share on Facebook Daily: #24,000 Monthly

Dear money maker reader, 

All you need to make a minimum of #24000 each month is having a Facebook account and taking out just few minutes to share posts on Facebook daily

This is one of the finest money-making opportunity I have ever found online. I have heard about this for long and felt it was a joke until I registered just yesterday after long persuasion by a friend. As I am talking to you now, I have already shared posts today on Facebook and made instant cash.

Remember, one of our guiding principles in this site is to share only genuine and well proven offers. No theory, no scam!

How does it work?

You have to register with #3000.

Immediately, you are activated. 

Go to your dashboard and you will see a sponsored post with sharing buttons each day

Click on Facebook sharing button and share on your Facebook wall.

Instantly, you are paid #400.

You can see the above image...

You have between 2-5 posts each day

If you share only 2, it means #800 per day

This amounts to #24000 per month.

If after a month, you decide to drop, that's your business.

But if you want to continue, be ready to pay your monthly fee of #3000

It means your profit per month = #24000 - #3000 = #21,000.

You also earn through referral, but that is not compulsory.

You're paid #1000 for each referral

If you're interested, JOIN HERE

Please the only way you can reward me for sharing with you this golden opportunity is by registering through my link. Others will do same for you as well.

Please, don't miss this opportunity, it could turn out to add to your monthly paycheck.

Remember, #21k is some people's monthly salary for a hard job. You only share post that takes you only a minute to share and still make this type of money. I feel only a man with ******ty in his brain will neglect this lifetime opportunity.


  1. After sharing, does it matter the audience it reaches, whether someone clicks on it or not? Or I get paid with or without people clicking?

    1. Nothing like clicks or people seeing it. The moment you share it, you receive your money instantly. Thanks for your inquiry.
