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Friday, 29 September 2017

Make Thousands of Naira with just #300 as we celebrate Nigeria @ 57

As we celebrate Nigeria's 57th Independence this weekend, here comes a financial freedom package from the #1 Nigeria Network Company. All you will need to be part of this is just an out-of-pocket paltry sum of #300.

We understand the economic challenges every average Nigerian is faced with today; hence this is our own way of ameliorating those challenges. We are partnering with the Federal Government to help create wealth for our people...

This cash splash is open to all Nigerians- of whatever tribe, age, religion, educational level and financial status. All you need to be part of it is to 
Sign Up Here... The moment you do that and get activated... you will instantly RECEIVE from us...

  • N500 instant bonus (If you’re that lucky, we give you back #1000)
  • N200 recharge card on any of MTN, Etisalat, Glo, Airtel
***Remember, you must use chisabez78 as your sponsor id to receive these instant bonus!!!

 If you are a foreigner and you are interested, JOIN HERE... Read How it Works Here

Our Breakthrough So Far

We started just March, 2016... this is our stunning statistics:

Total Payout So Far: ₦ 15,295,840.00
Active Members (as at September 29, 7:30pm): 87,416

How It Works

  • The idea on COOLNAIRA.COM is very simple. Every member earn from each members investment.

  • When you join now, upgrade to pro member by investing minimum of ₦1000 which will be shared by your sponsor & upliners. Introduce at least 1 person who invest same amount under you and get your money back as you earn 50% + ₦500 sign up bonus. In fact today, we have increased our sign up bonus to #1000, meaning we give you back your money instant plus #200 free recharge card.
Now start introducing more people to earn profit. The more people who register through your referral link or username, the more 50% (that is #500 on each referral) you earn. You also earn 5% on your referrals’ referrals up to the 10th generation deep.

Who is Behind Cool Naira?

 This program is created and powered by G-Cyber Technologies, a professional web and ICT firm with high experience in both technicality and creativity. The firm provides ICT services, web solutions, web design + web hosting services and pro internet marketing.

Coolnaira.com was founded in March 2016 by Paul Samson under the auspices of G-Cyber Technologies.

There are two other programmes initiated by this same company. You can as well access them here:

Our Contacts:
Head Office: Shop 51, Ladies Shopping Plaza, Oghara Delta State.
Branch: School of Business, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe Oghara, Delta State.

Call or sms 07066894406 (myself) for more inquiry. You can also schedule a visit if you are in Port Harcourt or nearby city.

This shows you are not dealing with a fly-by-night company. You can visit personally to know more.

Testimonials and Proof of Payment

Read it Here

I challenge you!!!

Within the space of 18 months, we have paid out close to N16 million Naira to other Nigerians like you...

You're only spending a paltry N300 in real time, as we are giving you back N500 as well as N200 recharge card.

If you register today and activate in 3 days’ time, you're on your way to financial freedom, while the recession lasts,,, but if you hold on to that paltry sum, you will still spend it on frivolities, and yet remain poor.

Passing Over Opportunities Regularly = POOR!

How to Activate Your Account after Registration

All you need to do is make payment into this account:

Using any of these:

  • Mobile / Internet Money Transfer
  • ATM transfer
  • Direct Bank Deposit

Pay into the Account Details Below:

Bank Name: UBA
Account number: 
Account Name: G-Cyber Technologies


Pay with Your Master Card/Visa/Verve, using Vogue Pay...
(Don't have a VoguePay Account? Get a Free Account Here)

After payment, send details to:

09055334131 (9 AM - 6 PM) or use the Contact Form

Call 07066894406 for more support...

Watch this video...

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