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Friday, 3 November 2017

Join #500 Investment that Pays you Daily Interest for Life

Hello, Money Makers Naija reader, I present to you another money-making opportunity in Nigeria that requires a minimum #500 investment that earns you daily interest for life.

How does it work?

Step 1Register Here and read to understand better

Step 2: In your dashboard, click on 'Purchase Package' and you will see an image like the one below:

 What next?

...Click on the first drop down (Ad packages) and select your investment level. There are only ten investment level for now:

                                   Level 1- #500
                                   Level 2- #1000
                                   Level 3- #1500
                                   Level 4- #2000
                                   Level 5- #2500
                                   Level 6- #3000
                                   Level 7- #3500
                                   Level 8- #4000
                                   Level 9- #4500
                                   Level 10- #5000

...Click on the second drop down(Payment mode) to choose how you pay:
   *** Online payment  or 

   *** Bank transfer

Follow the prompt and make payment. In few hours time, your payment will be confirmed.

How do you earn?

i. You earn daily interest on your investment. You earn between #75 and #100 daily on #500 investment. If you invest more, you earn more.

ii. You can also purchase multiple ad package and earn on each of them daily.

iii. You earn on referrals. You're paid 15% of your referral's investment.

Withdrawal Question

*** You initiate withdrawal when you have a minimum #1500 in your account (to be paid into the bank account you'll supply)

*** If you request for withdrawal when your balance is below #1500, the money will be sent to your phone as a recharge card.

Instructions for using Neo Online Income Club

1) Click on Purchase Package link to purchase a ad package and it will create your position which will keep on giving you lifetime profits.

2) Click on Manage Positions link to view the stats of each position.

3) To check your Referral and earning stats click on Stats

4) Click on the Withdrawl link to withdraw your earnings. 

5) Click on Promotional Center and here you will find the ads and banners that you can use for promoting Neo Online Income Club.

6) Click on the Bonus link to get the bonuses for joining Neo Online Income Club.

7) Click on the Profile link to update your profile.

8) Click on the Submit Testimonials link to submit your valuable testimonials.


Feel free to ask your questions using the comment box... or whatsapp us on 07066894406.